EN Product Range
The VOSET Exit Device has been designed to provide safe emergency egress (exit) from a building, they also allow barrier free access, and comply with EN1125 + Fire rate EN1634.
Furthermore, exit devices encourage increased security with authorized entrance features and fail safe exit designs. They also contain fire and smoke through compartmentalization
BS EN 1125 – Panic Exit Devices
Experience relating to escape from buildings and general safety have made it desirable that doors at final exits in public buildings, places of entertainment, shops, etc. should be fitted with panic devices operated by a horizontal bar. The emphasis for products covered by this standard is on safe exit rather than security.
These standards provide details on product types, classification by use, test cycles, door mass, corrosion resistance, as well as definitions, product performance requirements, test apparatus, test methods and marking
of products.
The main purpose of the performance requirements of this standard is to give safe and effective escape through a doorway with minimum effort and without prior knowledge of the device, i.e. for locked doors on escape routes where panic situations can be foreseen.
BS EN 1125 classifies panic exit devices by using a 10 digit coding system. Each digit refers to a particular feature of the product measured against the standard's performance requirements.
Digit 1: Category of Use
One category is identified:
Grade 3: High frequency of use by public and others with little incentive to exercise care.
Digit 2: Number of Test Cycles
Two categories of durability are defined:
Grade 6: 100,000 cycles.
Grade 7: 200,000 cycles.
Digit 3: Test Door Mass
Three categories of test door mass are identified:
Grade 5: up to 100 kg
Grade 6: up to 200 kg
Grade 7: over 200 kg
Digit 4: Fire Resistance
Three categories of fire door resistance are identified:
Grade 0: Not approved for use on fire/smoke door assemblies.
Grade A: Suitable for use on smoke door assemblies, subject to satisfactory assessment of the contribution
of the panic/emergency device to the smoke resistance of specified smoke door assemblies.
Grade B: Suitable for use on fire/smoke door assemblies, subject to satisfactory assessment of the
contribution of the panic/emergency device to the fire resistance of specified fire/smoke door
Digit 5: Safety
All panic and emergency devices have a critical safety function therefore only the top grade - 1 - is identified
Digit 6: Corrosion Resistance
Two grades of corrosion resistance are identified according to EN 1670:
Grade 3: High resistance (96 salt spray hours)
Grade 4: Very high resistance (240 salt spray hours)
Digit 7: Security
Only one category of security is identified:
Grade 2: 1000 N panic devices are primarily for the operation of a door from the inside. Safety considerations
will always be given priority over security.
Digit 8: Projection of Devices
Two grades are identified relating to the projection of the device from the door face:
Grade 1: Projection up to 150 mm (large projection)
Grade 2: Projection up to 100 mm (standard projection)
Digit 9: Type of Device
Two categories are identified for each standard:
Grade A: Panic device with push bar operation.
Grade B: Panic device with touch bar operation.
Digit 10: Field of Application
A. Outward opening - Single & double exit doors; active & inactive leaf
B. Outward opening - Single exit door only
C. Outward opening - Double exit door; inactive door
The above marking denotes a panic exit device tested to 200 000 operations for a door mass up to 200 kg, suitable for fire door use with very high corrosion resistance with standard bar projection for use on single & double doors.
CE Marking
As panic and emergency exit devices have a critical safety function, application of the CE mark will require the involvement of a notified certification body to provide verification of the compliance claims. This will involve initial type-testing of the product to EN 1125, initial inspection of the manufacturer’s factory production control and continuing surveillance and approval of the factory production control. On satisfactory fulfilment of these tasks, the notified body issues an EC Certificate of Conformity which then permits the manufacturer to declare compliance and affix the CE marking to his product.
Technical Considerations
There are three situations in which exit devices should always be used. These include:
• High occupancy areas, where there is a concern for exiting in an emergency
• Perimeter security, where there is a restricted, authorized entrance with provisions for exit under alarm conditions
• Security systems, where there is a need for access control